Basira’s Classical Curriculum in Modern Context
Basira’s Classical Curriculum in Modern Context is based on our rich classical scholarly tradition but brings that tradition into a full conversation with our world today just as the luminaries of the past brought it into conversation with yesterday’s world.
We all know someone who has lost their faith. The culprit is a gaping hole in their Islamic education: their modern education in science, mathematics, social studies, history, literature, economics, and politics is intelligent and sophisticated, but their religious education is simplistic, haphazard, and in apparent conflict with the modern education of high schools and universities.
Muslims are trying to solve this problem either
through Muslim seminaries that teach the classical curriculum but don’t show you how to bring that tradition of Muslim scholarship into full conversation with the world today (you might think that some seminaries are doing this, but they aren’t—that misconception is removed in the next section below), or
through graduate degrees in Islamic studies at conventional universities, which are based on a secular worldview rather than a truth-based Islamic worldview.
But none of these approaches fill the gaping hole. It’s not enough to teach a classical curriculum that’s disconnected from our world today. And turning away from that classical curriculum and studying Islamic studies through a secular perspective will only make that hole even bigger.
The Basira Classical Curriculum in Modern Context actually solves the problem and fills the gaping hole, providing well-educated high school students, college students, parents, and working professionals a methodical and comprehensive curriculum of religious learning that enables you to excel in the modern society as intellectually confident religious Muslims.
This is the education that you wish you had when you were growing up, and it's the education your children need to have right now. And you can both get this education right now without having to spend decades overseas with classical scholars, and without then having to piece it all together in order to figure out how to apply it to the contemporary world that you live in today.
How is Basira’s Classical Curriculum in Modern Context (BCCMC) Different From Everything Else Today?
While many modern seminaries teach secular subjects alongside the classical Islamic tradition, they seldom equip students with the ability to critically analyze these subjects themselves. They might point out flaws or compare and contrast ideas, but they stop short of giving students the tools to rigorously evaluate these topics through a rational and truth-based Islamic lens.
BCCMC (Basira Classical Curriculum in Modern Context) is unique because it begins by establishing a firm foundation of rational arguments that prove that Islam is true, and it then shows you how to take that rational framework and apply it to critically analyze the truth-claims of every other “ism” and ideology.
This enables students to independently assess any modern secular subject and distinguish between those claims and assumptions that are based on sound rational evidence, and those that are mere conjecture.
BCCMC transforms students from being mere followers who accept authority into independent critical thinkers who can see the world for what it really is. It’s like wearing perfectly prescribed eyeglasses. Imagine looking at the world without the proper prescription lens—everything is fuzzy, unclear, and distorted. But when you wear the proper prescription lens, then everything becomes clear.
In the same way, when you approach secular subjects, modern “isms”, and modern ideologies without a rational truth-based worldview, then your understanding will be fuzzy and clouded, and you will be vulnerable to confusions and doubts. But if you complete BCCMC, then its rational framework grounded in Islamic teachings will enable you to see the world clearly.
BCCMC sharpens your insight (basira) and enables you to confidently distinguish between truth and falsehood, just as Allah Most High describes when He says that "truth stands out clearly from falsehood" (Quran, 2:256).
Allah says that truth is clearly distinguished from falsehood. But most people cannot clearly distinguish truth from falsehood. And the reason for that is that they don’t have a proper truth-based lens to look at the world. So their vision is fuzzy, cloudy, and distorted.
The development of this truth-based lens is the central principle that runs through every course that you will study in BCCMC. Whether you are studying hadith, seerah, fiqh, history, psychology, or philosophy, you will constantly apply, refine, and develop your truth-based lens which you construct in your first year.
This will transform how you understand both secular and religious knowledge.
And it will enable you to quickly sift through the clouds of false assumptions in secular subjects, modern “isms”, and modern ideologies
For example, in the Era of the Companions course, you will learn the assumptions of three different worldviews (the Islamic worldview, the secular worldview, and the anti-Companion worldview), learn how these worldviews lead to different interpretations of the same historical events, and clearly show the Islamic worldview is based on provable facts whereas the other ones are based on false or unprovable assumptions.
In the Religions Revealed course, you will learn the assumptions of four different worldviews (the Islamic worldview, the secular humanist worldview, the postmodernist worldview, and the dogmatic religious worldview), learn how these worldviews lead to different interpretations of the same religious information, and then learn how to have friendly conversations with people of other worldviews to gently guide them to their own realizations that Islam is true and everything else is false.
In the Love, Romance, and Sexuality course, you will learn the assumptions of the Islamic worldview, contrast it with the worldview of popular culture, analyze the events of Romeo and Juliet from both worldviews, and then imagine how to navigate falling in love, family pressures, and worshiping God in a modern context.
Every course adopts this critical analysis approach using the truth-based framework that you learn in the first year. And you will learn how to apply that truth-based framework to religious knowledge (like hadith, tafsir, and theology) as well as secular knowledge (like science, literature, and all of the “isms” of modern society).
With BCCMC, you will learn how to avoid falling into the false intellectual traps of the modern world by learning how to independently navigate the complexities of the modern world as a well-educated critical-thinking Muslim. And you will be able to clearly, confidently, and compassionately articulate and argue for Islam in the public mainstream.
Ultimately, the Basira Classical Curriculum in Modern Context (BCCMC) gives you the right prescription so that your eyesight (basar) becomes insight (basira). That gives you clarity, which gives you conviction, which gives you confidence. And that’s what Basira Education is all about.
Here is how the curriculum will take you and your children step-by-step until you become confident and open-minded Muslims with an unshakeable Islamic identity who can use their classical scholarly tradition to critically analyze the world around them and use that analysis to have insightful and compassionate conversations with their Muslim and non-Muslim friends and colleagues.
Year 1: Pressing Questions
You will begin by building a truth-based worldview with our flagship course Why Islam is True and then methodically apply this truth-based worldview to learn convincing religious answers to pressing questions about atheism, religious morality, religion and politics, citizenship, and sexuality. You do this through a formal and contextualized study of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace), the Quran, the science of Sacred Law, the science of Islamic character, and a creative study of Romeo and Juliet.
In your first year, you will take seven courses (listed below) that do more than just answer your questions—they will help you build a truth-based Islamic worldview that transforms how you see the world around you. You'll also gain the ability to solve hundreds of other problems you may not have even considered.
Year 2: Building Identity
Experience your religious confidence grow as you discover how your truth-based Islamic worldview has its origins in the most open-minded, moral, and genuinely happy civilization ever to exist.
With your most urgent questions answered in Year 1, you are now ready to build your religious confidence by learning where you came from (not ethnically, but religiously). Through a formal and contextualized study of early Islamic history, the Quran and Sunna, the detailed rules of worship, traditional Islamic theology, Islamic art, and the role of modern science in scriptural interpretation, you will learn the intellectual and historical roots of Islamic tradition and stand tall as you come to identify with the great Muslim minds, spirits, activists, rulers, and civilizations that made you who you are today.
In your second year you will study eight courses (listed below) that will strengthen your Islamic worldview by teaching you to experience the miraculous eloquence of the Quran; to reflect that experience in your worship; to admire the miraculous wisdom of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace); and to understand how the Companions, the Caliphs, the Warriors, the Traditionalists, the Four Imams, the Theologians, the Scientists, the Quran-Reciters, the Philosophers, the Philanthropists, the Artists, and the Spiritual Devotees turned that miraculous wisdom into a living reality that thrived for over one thousand years.
That is who you are.
Year 3: Critical Thinking
Lose your defensiveness and embrace a confident open-mindedness as you learn the skill of organizing all of your religious ideas into a clear logical framework.
With a strong Muslim identity in place through Year 2, you are now ready to think clearly and critically about your religious commitments. You will begin by learning the critical tools of your Islamic past: Islamic logic, Islamic historical criticism, Islamic legal theory, and Islamic psychology. As you learn these tools, you will revisit important religious concepts and arguments that you have learned in your past studies, as well as more sophisticated modern arguments. Then you will apply your knowledge to a contextualized tafsir of Surat al-Baqara; rules of marriage, divorce, and inheritance; and modern religion-science debates.
You will rediscover that the Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace) was the most intelligent human being who ever lived, and his Companions, their Followers, and great scholars such as the imams Abu Hanifa, Bukhari, and Ghazali were, in turn, the most intelligent, the most educated, and the most open-minded human beings of their times.
Year 4: Modernity and Integration
Explain the religious, philosophical, and cultural foundations of the modern world from the perspective of an insightful, sensitive, and religious Muslim.
With a strong foundation in religious critical thinking and open-mindedness through Year 3, you are now ready to apply your religious learning to a study of the ideas, arguments, and historical circumstances that lie behind the decline of Muslims, the rise of Western Europe, and the intellectual and cultural foundations of the modern world. You will learn how to fit modern commonplaces (such as freedom, democracy, and human rights) into your religious worldview and how Muslims can become a thinking power in the space of the modern world.
See the Full 4-Year Curriculum Course Descriptions
Year 1
Pressing Questions
7 Courses
An evidence-based inquiry into the fundamental truths of Islam. See clearly that Islam is not a cultural preference but a clear fact. Follow an experienced theologian as he guides you how to respond to common atheist arguments.
Learn how we know that his life is historical fact and how that proves that he simply could not have been an impostor. Follow an experienced theologian as he walks you through the Meccan period of the Prophet’s messengerhood, revealing proof after proof of the beauty, genuineness, and truthfulness of the best man who ever lived.
The truth-based worldview of the Holy Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) is foreign to our modern minds, and when it is combined with stories of war, statehood, assassination, deception, martyrdom, and polygamy, it sparks associations with terrifying media reports of Muslim extremists. Follow an experienced theologian and philosopher as he walks you through the Medinan period of the Prophet’s messengerhood to reveal a breathtaking story of selflessness, courage, forgiveness, and God-given success.
The sharia assumes freedom and promotes morality. See this for yourself through a practical study of the rules of purification, prayer, zakat, fasting, hajj, trade, marriage, divorce, government, war, food ingredients, speech, and the vices and virtues of the heart, all in the context of modern life in secular societies. Grasp the hidden wisdoms of the divine command, respond to objections raised by Islamophobes, and acquire the worldview-altering skill of analyzing human actions through the lens of moral responsibility to God.
A detailed study of the theory of character, both good character (such as wisdom, bravery, humility, empathy, temperance, loyalty, responsibility, and sincerity) and bad character (such as anger, arrogance, envy, malice, and hypocrisy). Apply the traditional science of Muslim character to someone living in the modern world and understand why uncritical usage of social media, cell-phones, video games, and consumerism can give us bad character.
Begin to analyze Western culture and creatively navigate it as a conservative Muslim. Analyze the literary devices, theme, setting, characters, and plot of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, comparing its Christian Renaissance culture with traditional Muslim culture, experiencing and navigating possible conflicts between romantic love and doing the right thing, and imagine how a fallible but faithful and well-educated Muslim in the shoes of the protagonist would play out the series of events that he or she encounters. Apply what you learn to an examination of modern LGBQT+ issues.
A unique introduction to the miraculously beautiful language of the Quran structured around key Quranic themes. Learn the vocabulary, syntax, word-structures, and rhetorical effects in verses about the universe, the names of Allah Most High, belief and disbelief, the Prophets Musa and Nuh (upon them be peace), the Day of Judgment, resurrection, jihad, worship, the life of this world, the Children of Israel, Jesus, Paradise, and Hell. Become independent. Leave with the ability to look up words in Arabic dictionaries and to apply your knowledge to analyze, interpret, and taste the beauty of hundreds of verses all over the Quran.
Year 2
Building Identity
8 Courses
A detailed study of the final thirtieth part of the Quran in the linguistic context of ancient Arabia. Study translations, memorize key vocabulary, and experience the linguistic power of the Meccan suras through a study of common Quranic rhetorical techniques. Situate your study of Quranic beauty in the original linguistic context of ancient Arabia and learn about the authoritative scholars of tafsir who have preserved the experience of the Quranic miracle using the science of Quranic eloquence (balagha).
A detailed study of 100 hadiths that summarize the miraculous knowledge and character of the Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace). Study translations, memorize key vocabulary, and learn to love and admire the perfect prophetic example in worship, spirituality, companionship, ethical commerce, law, government, war, and every sphere of life. Grasp the miraculous wisdom of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) by situating your studies in the original tribal culture of ancient Arabia and learn about the critical historical method developed by Muslim scholars of hadith to objectively preserve this wisdom for all time.
In the 30 years following the demise of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace), his Companions took his message all over the world, eradicating the Sassanian Empire, bringing the Byzantines to their knees, and permanently establishing Islam in what we know today as the Muslim heartlands. This unique study of the era of the four “rightly-guided” caliphs is far more than just a chronological list of famous battles: it explains why Arabian tribes rebelled, what motivated the early Islamic conquests, how the Quran was preserved, what caused the conflicts between the Companions, and how, through their deep religiousness, humility, and selflessness, they established principles such as democratic government, ethical conduct in war, and the separation of powers, showing the world that they were truly (as the Prophet (Allah bless hm and give him peace) described them) “the best of generations”.
In the 600 years following the era of the rightly-guided caliphs, two great dynasties (the Umayyads and the Abbasids) led the Muslim world through the throes of civil war, revolution, heresies, and foreign invasions to firmly establish Islam as the greatest civilization that the world had ever known. This unique study will explain what motivated the Kharijites, the Alawites, and the Assassins; the historical significance of the Mu'tazilite inquisition; how the translation of Greek philosophy spurred the development of rational theology; and how great scholars such as Imam Bukhari, Imam Abu Hanifa, and Imam Ghazali established a scholarly tradition that has preserved the legacy of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) down to the present day.
Experience the truth-based religious worldview of the Muslim scholarly tradition by studying a traditional primer in Islamic theology that summarizes a millennium of top-notch religious scholarship into 144 lines of Arabic verse. Become adept at traditional arguments that show the truth of mainstream Muslim creed, study how Muslim theologians responded to the arguments of the Mu‘tazilites and the falasifa, and learn how to apply those arguments to modern problems of atheism, irreligion, and religious extremism. Imagine what it was like to be a student sitting at the feet of a traditional shaykh in al-Azhar of old.
The Quran describes the universe, sometimes in great detail, with stunning scientific accuracy that is confirmed by modern embryology, geology, physics, astronomy, and cosmology. Learn the modern science that explains these verses alongside the traditional interpretations of those same verses in light of pre-modern science. Situate your learning against the classical backdrop of Aristotle and of great Muslim scientists such as al-Khawarizmi, Ibn al-Haytham, and al-Biruni, who used mathematics and the scientific method to discover new facts about the universe centuries before the Scientific Revolution in Western Europe.
The purpose of our existence is to worship God. Fulfill your purpose by studying the detailed rules of purification, prayer, zakat, fasting, and Hajj. Imagine religious Muslim worship-culture by reflecting on the spiritual insights of sages such as Ghazali and ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani and learn how to use these rules to give meaning to your life in the modern world.
Traditional Islamic civilization is beautiful—captivating calligraphy, majestic mosques, powerful poetry, and, most of all, sincere and religious people. Experience the deeply religious beauty of Muslim character, calligraphy, literature, music, fashion, architecture, and art. Contrast that religious beauty with the worldliness of modern liberalism, typography, movies, sexuality, and advertising. Then imagine how religious beauty might be expressed today.
Year 3
Critical Thinking
8 Courses
Apply the techniques of traditional Islamic logic to clearly define widely-used religious concepts and to give precise structure to key religious arguments. Then extend traditional Islamic logic to examine the structure of modern scientific and statistical inference and to identify common logical fallacies in atheist arguments.
Marvel at the astounding story of tens of thousands of men and women who painstakingly preserved the Quran and the Sunna. Learn what it means for a historical report to be mass-transmitted, strongly authenticated (sahih), weakly authenticated (da‘if), and fabricated (mawdu‘). Then apply the methods of Islamic historical criticism to demonstrate the historicity of prophetic miracles, the sincere life of the Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace), the mass-transmission of the canonical recitations, and to analyze the authenticity of a variety of controversial hadiths.
Learn why some verses and hadiths appear to conflict, why that is not a logical contradiction, how to resolve that conflict, why almost every inclusive statement has an exception, when to interpret scripture figuratively, how to do analogical reasoning (qiyas), why scholarly consensus is binding, and whether or not the door of ijtihad has been closed. Then extend these principles to explore the relation between our moral sense and the divine command, and whether that divine command engenders an absolutist or a utilitarian worldview.
Learn what Muslim scholars have taught about the heart and soul; how it gets corrupted by spiritual diseases such as envy, arrogance, and anger; and how it is purified by spiritual virtues such as gratitude, love, and humility. Evaluate yourself to determine the presence of these diseases and virtues within yourself, develop a plan for self-improvement, compare these techniques with the techniques of modern psychology, and grasp how the desires and fears of a corrupted soul can be manipulated by modern media to focus on this world and turn away from God.
Use the exegesis of the first half of Surat al-Baqara along with the techniques of Islamic logic, historical criticism, and Islamic psychology to situate human history in the Adamic context of prophecy culminating in the Children of Israel, to compare Quranic accounts with Biblical narratives, to study Biblical prophecies of the Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace), to understand the difference between the Judaism and Christianity of ancient Arabic and the Judaism and Christianity of today, and to analyze the psychology of the Jews and Christians who accepted the message of the Prophet (Allah bless and give him peace) and those who rejected him.
Use the exegesis of the second half of Surat al-Baqara along with the techniques of Islamic logic, legal theory, and Islamic psychology to grasp the wisdom and philosophy of the gendered society that is assumed in the Quranic worldview, to relate that philosophy to modern feminist arguments, to understand how verses of the Quran about war, commerce, and charity relate to modern statehood, citizenship, economics, and reducing the modern disparity between the rich and the poor.
A detailed study of the Sacred Law of gender roles, marriage, family, divorce, custody, court settlements, polygamy, domestic violence, duties to parents, maintaining ties of kinship, financial support, child abuse, and estate division. Distinguish between healthy and abusive applications of these rules and then critically compare them to the corresponding laws in modern liberal democracies.
Trace modern religion-science debates to the conflict between Christianity and modern science that began in medieval Europe. Compare the critical methods of medieval and modern Christians to the critical methods of Islamic civilization as you apply Islamic logic and legal theory to create a new Islamic intellectual space amidst Christian intelligent design theories, young earth creationism, evolution debates, New Atheism, Big Bang cosmology, the Kalam Cosmological Argument in modern philosophy, the Fine Tuning argument, and the Anthropic Principle.
Year 4
Modernity and Integration
9 Courses
An explanation of the truth-seeking traditional Islamic science of argumentation (al-bahth wa al-munadhara) applied to the arguments of modernity integrated with the non-rational persuasive power of media, psychology, and advertising, and also with the analytic tools of modern statistical reasoning. The techniques of this course will be applied in all of the other courses below.
The political history of Western Europe through the Children of Israel, Rome, Byzantium, Medieval Europe, the Renaissance, Reformation, Enlightenment, Modernity, Colonialism, the Geneva Conventions, the United Nations, and the First and Second World Wars, all from the perspective of an intelligent Islamic worldview.
The Intellectual trajectory of philosophy through Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Alfarabi, Ibn Sina, Ibn Rushd, Aquinas, Descartes, Hume, Kant, Darwin, Hegel, Nietzshe, Newton, Einstein, Freud, Foucault, Thomism, modern analytic philosophy, and Plantinga, all from the perspective of an intelligent Islamic worldview.
Ancient Greek, Roman, and Egyptian religions; animism; Judaism; Christianity; Zoroastrianism; Buddhism; Hinduism; Sikhism; Confucianism; and modern atheist humanism, all critically analyzed from the perspective of an intelligent Islamic worldview.
200 Hadiths from Imam Nawawi’s Riyad al-Salihin creatively applied to understand what it might mean to be a religious Muslim in modern culture.
200 Hadiths from Imam Nawawi’s Riyad al-Salihin creatively applied to understand what it might mean to be a religious Muslim in modern culture.
The colonization of the Muslim world, the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire, independence movements, the birth of Muslim nation states, modernization of Muslim economies, educational reform, the Iranian revolution, political Islam, ISIS caliphates, and Muslim citizienship in Western liberal democracies, all from the perspective of an intelligent Islamic worldview.
Traditional Sacred Law of financial transactions and personal agreements in the context of modern money, banks, the stock market, Islamic finance, and the AAOIFI standards.
A critical reading of the movie screenplays of a selection of influential movies in order to understand how films influence culture, how watching a particular film will influence its viewers, how to consume media without being influenced, and how film-making would fit into an intelligent Islamic worldview.
Registration Costs?
Regular Registration Costs for 32 Courses
If you buy each of the 32 courses one at a time, then you will get 2-year access for each course, and the costs will be as follows
Year 1 Course |
Cost |
Why Islam is True | $397 |
Why Muhammad is God’s Messenger | $397 |
Islam, Politics, War and Women | $397 |
What is Sharia? | $397 |
Muslim Character and Modern Culture | $397 |
Love, Romance, Sexuality | $397 |
Arabic Through the Quran | $397 |
Total: | $2779 |
Year 2 Course |
Cost |
RLG101: Linguistic Power of the Quran | $750 |
RLG102: The Wisdom of the Unlettered Prophet | $397 |
CLTR101: The Era of the Companions | $397 |
CLTR102: The Era of Civilization | $397 |
RLG103: Traditional Islamic Theology | $397 |
SNC101: The Quran and Science | $397 |
RLG104: The Detailed Rules of Worship | $397 |
CLTR103: Islam, Beauty, Modernity | $397 |
Total: | $3529 |
Year 3 Course |
Cost |
LGC201: Islamic Logic | $497 |
LGC202: Islamic Historical Criticism | $497 |
LGC203: Islamic Legal Theory | $497 |
RLG201: Islamic Psychology | $397 |
RLG202: Judaism, Christianity, and the Exegesis of Surat al-Baqara | $397 |
RLG203: Feminism, International Relations, and the Exegesis of Surat al-Baqara | $397 |
RLG204: Detailed Rules of Marriage, Divorce, and Inheritance | $397 |
SNC201: Christianity, Darwinian Evolution, and the Big Bang | $397 |
Total: | $3476 |
Year 4 Course |
Cost |
LGC301: How to Win an Argument | $497 |
CLTR301: History of Western Europe Through an Islamic Lens | $497 |
CLTR302: Western Philosophy Through an Islamic Lens | $497 |
CLTR303: Religions Revealed: World Religions Through an Islamic Lens | $497 |
RLG301: The Sunnah of Family, Community, and Good Citizenship | $397 |
RLG302: The Sunnah of Eating, Dressing, Sleeping, Greeting, Funerals, and Traveling | $397 |
CLTR304: History of Muslims in the 19th and 20th Centuries | $497 |
RLG303: Modern Financial Transactions Through an Islamic Lens | $497 |
CLTR305: Reading Movie ScreenPlays Through an Islamic Lens | $397 |
Total: | $4173 |
Total Cost for 1 Person to take all courses in the 4-year curriculum (with 2-year access per course) =
$2779 + $3529 + $3476 + $4173 =
$13 957 USD
If you had a family of six (husband, wife and 4 children), that would cost:
$13 957 X 6 = $83 742 USD
For every extra person in your family, you would add another $13 957 USD
But you can get it now for your entire family (regardless of size) with Lifetime Access for only
$83 742 USD $12,000 USD
Founding Family Special Bundle Offer
Registration for the ENTIRE Household**
With LIFETIME Access
For the Entire 32-COURSE Curriculum
With INDIVIDUAL Access for Each Family Member
**Entire Household: (This includes individual access for husband, wife and ALL children) with lifetime access for each child, present and future.
For only a single one-time payment of $12,000 USD
48 Easy Monthly Payments of $315 USD
This 4-year curriculum is at the level of a university education.
The tuition for many universities (depending on where you live) may cost you $13 957 USD for just one year.
So this entire 4-year 32-course curriculum costs what you would pay for just one year in a university program.
Even though it’s not not just equivalent to a 4-year university program–it’s even better.
Because the centuries’-old classical curriculum of the Muslim scholarly tradition far exceeds the level of a Bachelor’s degree. And the Basira Classical Curriculum in Modern Context brings that scholarly tradition into full conversation with everything that you will learn in any Bachelor’s degree. You’ll be able to do put everything you learn in any university degree into an Islamic worldview.
Because not only does the centuries’ -old classical curriculum of the Muslim scholarly tradition far exceed the level of any Bachelor’s degree. But the 4-year Basira Classical Curriculum in Modern Context takes it a step further.
It shows you how to bring that scholarly tradition into full conversation with everything that you will learn in any university education by building a rational structure for your truth based Islamic worldview.
This then acts as a foundational tool that you will apply throughout the 4-year curriculum to evaluate and analyze any idea, ism, or subject you will encounter during any university degree studies or in society at large.
But even though it exceeds what is taught in a university degree, it needs to be taught to our children while they are still in high-school in order to intellectually prepare them for their university studies.
That’s why it’s designed in such a way that a teenager or a young adult can understand it and complete it entirely in English, even if they don’t know any Arabic.
Every Muslim family needs this education.
That’s why we are releasing this special offer.
Let’s compare this to the cost of a standard Islamic School Education.
** Note these prices reflect the ISNA school in Canada and represent Canadian dollars, for the year 2022 and 2023. Source
Junior Kindergarten for one and two children:
Elementary and Middle-School for one or two children:
Highschool for one or two children:
And if you have 4 children, 2 in highschool and 2 in elementary here is ISNA’s combined scenario:
And remember this is all for just one year!
If we were to take scenario two above, of 4 children and multiply by just 12 years (ignoring junior kindergarten and senior kindergarten)
The cost of a 12-year Islamic School Education for four children would be:
$29 752 X 12 = $357,024.
That’s a lot of money. But if your kids left Islamic school as confident, intellectual, self-motivated, critically thinking Muslims ready to live in this world, then it would be worth every dollar.
But is that what’s happening?
Instead students leave for university knowing
some Quran
some dua’s
A few stories of the Prophets (peace be upon them all)
how to pray
But have
NO Islamic critical-thinking skills,
NO open-minded Islamic identity,
NO mastery of the arguments of the Muslim scholarly tradition,
NO ability to analyze secular subjects through an Islamic lens,
… and are completely vulnerable to the world of ideas and secular academic rigor which they will be bombarded with in their upcoming university environment and beyond, which will produce doubt upon doubt.
Don’t get us wrong – Islamic schools can be valuable because they can provide a sheltering environment for your children.
But your children still need a methodical and comprehensive curriculum of religious learning that enables them to excel in the modern society as intellectually confident religious Muslims.
That’s what Basira’s 4-year Classical Curriculum in Modern Context will provide.
It is everything a Muslim needs to know about their deen along with the ability to critically think through an Islamic worldview to navigate our contemporary world as a confident, religious and articulate Muslim, without getting consumed or confused by the fads, trends, or “isms” of the day.
With the Founding Family Special Offer you can do that for yourself and all your children.
For only a single one-time payment of $12,000 USD
48 Easy Monthly Payments of $315 USD
This will give lifetime access to the entire 32-course curriculum to your entire household (husband, wife, and ALL children present and future). Your children will keep this lifetime access even when they have children of their own insha’Allah.
How Your Money is Used When You Take this Offer
“1 in 4 Muslims who are raised in America leave Islam. This is not just happening in America. It’s happening all over the world. Even in Muslim countries.
Muslims are proud of the number of people who convert to Islam but they don’t realize how many of them end up leaving Islam.”
We are on the ground providing iman-protection training to parents, scholars, imams, chaplains, schoolteachers, and halaqa leaders all over the world. We are also producing and disseminating iman-protection educational resources such as textbooks, parent toolkits, debate manuals, and video responses.
So far we have trained over 500 teachers in 19 countries to teach Why Islam is True in their local communities.
These teachers are creating Iman-Protection Safety Nets in their communities to catch young Muslims with doubts before they leave Islam.
You can read our latest Iman-Protection impact report here.
We are now delivering free live Why-Islam-is-True seminars across 40 college campuses across the United States, and providing free training and mentorship to American Muslim college students to protect the iman of Muslims and spread iman to non-Muslims.
The Prophet mentioned:
“The best of what a man leaves behind are three: a righteous child who supplicates for him, ongoing charity the reward of which reaches him, and knowledge that is acted upon after him.”
With your purchase today of the BCCMC you will insha’Allah achieve all three, through your children and the iman-protection training work your purchase helps us continue to provide around the world.
We are also providing free Why-Islam-is-True education to converts, as well as free Islamic education and mentorship to reverse the alarming trend of Muslim converts leaving Islam.
That’s how your money is used when you take advantage of this offer.