Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: I really want to register but I can’t afford the cost.

Limited financial aid is available for eager and hardworking students. Please submit an application to

Q: Do I have to register for the whole program, or can I just take one course at a time?

There is no official “program registration”. Registration is on a course-by-course basis.

Q: How old does my child have to be to register in the teens program?

Children younger than 14 don't normally have the intellectual maturity to independently grasp the course material and thus they need to be at least 14 years old in order to benefit from the teens program. However, if they register with parents who help them then we find that they benefit. 

Parents helping their children in this way register for free and only pay for the child.

Q: My child is too young for the teens program but I want him/her to benefit from it. What should I do?

You are your child’s first teacher. If your child is too young to benefit from the teens program, you can register for courses yourself (either in the adults program or the teens program) and then use what you learn to teach your children at a level that they understand. Both Hamza Karamali and Tabraze Azam are available to answer any questions that might arise as you teach your children.

Q: Which course should I take first?

You can start with any course that you like -- all of the courses that are offered so far are Level 1 courses that don’t have any prerequisites. But we recommend that you begin with Why Islam is True (for Adults) or Why Islam is True (for Teens). If you would like to begin with another course instead, then (a) if you are an adult, we recommend that you begin with The Sacred Law of Worship, Beauty, and Entertainment (Hanafi) or The Sacred Law of Worship, Beauty, and Entertainment (Shafii), and (b) if you are a teenager, we recommend that you begin with Muslim Character and Modern Culture.

Q: I want to take a course but I feel intimidated by the thought of completing assignments and quizzes.

Our courses are carefully designed and the feedback that you receive on the assignments and quizzes is an important part of your student learning experience. But we are flexible with our students. You have the option of participating in the course either (a) as a regular student, in which case you commit yourself to completing all assignments and quizzes and receive a grade and report at the end of your course, or (b) as an auditor, in which case you only commit yourself to completing those assignments and quizzes that you have time for.

Q: Neither I nor my child doubt that Islam is true. Should we still take Why Islam is True (for Adults) or Why Islam is True (for Teens)?

Yes. The first religious obligation of every Muslim is to use their mind to see why their religion is objectively true. This is not difficult to do -- the Companions did it, their Followers did it, and Muslims have been doing it in every age down to recent times. When you or your child are able to see that Islam is objectively true and not just a cultural preference, it motivates you to worship Allah, inspires you to learn more about your religion, instills religious confidence, and completely changes the way that you look at the world.

Q: Neither I nor my child are intellectuals. The material in Why Islam is True (for Adults) and Why Islam is True (for Teens) seems daunting. Should we still take it?

Neither Why Islam is True (for Adults) nor Why Islam is True (for Teens) require exceptional intelligence. Both courses are easy-to-understand explanations of why Islam is objectively true along with brief explanations of how to respond to common atheist arguments that everyone around you is already talking about. Learning how to respond to these atheist arguments is essential for you and your child to understand how to locate yourself as a religious believer in a non-religious environment.

Q: My child turns 18 this November, should he/she register as a Teen or an Adult for the courses?

If your child has attended school or college in the West and is a mature learner, then we would recommend that he/she register for the Adult version.