Nur’s Testimonial
This course has helped me in so many ways, and I will waste no time in recommending it to others. This course was educational and very interesting. When reading the play, we looked deeper into the characters’ traits and how they would act in different situations (for instance, there was an assignment that had us write why or why not Romeo would have made a good father).
We also identified grammar and poetry rules, like iambic pentameters and puns. We looked deeper into words and their meanings, and what Shakespeare actually meant when he used them. We not only read the play, but we researched Italian Renaissance culture and identified the differences between that culture and a practicing Muslim family. The analyses we made in the course helped me read English works with more of a critical eye than before.
The way the course was taught with so much depth increased my interest in reading and writing, and I thoroughly enjoyed the assignment in which we had to write a Muslim and Halal version of Romeo and Juliet. This course also strengthened my interest in Shakespeare’s works. Now, whenever I will read one of his plays, I’ll look into the characters more than before, and identify the clever play on words.
I couldn’t help but marvel at how perfectly Romeo and Juliet covers the topics in this course. I read the play with a different perspective when we were taught to observe them while keeping the Islamic Law in mind than when I had to read this play for school. I saw how flawed Romeo’s and Juliet’s judgments are and how to refrain from committing their sins. This course really opened my eyes and I properly was able to see how flawed and messed up supposed romantic situations are and can be.