Ziring, High School Science Teacher

Assalamu alaykum, My name is Ziring and I’m just finishing of Sheikh Hamza’s Class on “Why Islam is True” and I just wanted to say a few things. Firstly it has been one of the most amazing and beneficial classes that I have taken on Islam in the past 20 years. It’s ranked amongst the most, I can’t say which one is the most, and Allah Knows Best it has been one of the most beneficial classes I’ve taken and that attributes to both the teacher and also the topic. Sheikh Hamza is able to simplify things and make what otherwise can be thought of as complicated and difficult and make it very simple to understand.

The topic itself is also very relevant, not only to me but to every believer and non believer out there. I have read and attended lectures on this type of topic in the past. 20 years ago I used to meet with christian missionaries on a habitual basis they would come to my house we would sit down and we would have discussions about stuff from Sheikh Ahmed Deedat, I’ve benefited from his stuff, Dr. Zakir Naik, Shabir Ally, Dr. Jamal Badawi, in terms of comparative religion I guess you would put those in this type of category of defending islam.

But this is really much, much different, than any of those. This number one deals with a lot of the atheist attacks on Islam and although there are some of that stuff I’ve found online, I’ve listened to that stuff as well, I haven’t seen anyone deal with it from this perspective and from this angle and with such clarity and intellectual integrity in terms of its arguments.

I Just wanted to say if you have ever hand the uncertainty or unsureness or shyness of dealing with topics that the New Atheists bring about like Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins and stuff like that this class really deals with those types of arguments in a way that you don’t have to be some intellectual or anything like that. I don’t have any background in logic, and one thing I was afraid of when taking the class was that I don’t know logic and I’m not that smart to be honest so I don’t know if I’ll understand some of this stuff, but it’s nothing like that. It’s very simple it’s something that your grandmother could understand or a little child could understand to be honest. There are some logical concepts but very simple to understand you don’t get into the Jargon of things very much and it’s just like logical concepts that really nobody can deny and when he tackles this subject, “Why Islam is True” he takes it from this perspective of what everybody has which is a rational mind and you can deal with these topics with just a rational mind you don’t have to believe in the Quran, you don’t have to believe in anything other than agree to be rational.

I have delved into some of these topics before the course like the Proof of God by Design, and stuff like that but to be honest with you this course shows you the holes in those arguments and why the atheists can put holes in those arguments. And what is wrong with these arguments where they are strong and where they are weak. And what really should be the proofs that you bring in terms of rational evidence to proof both the existence of God and the Proof of Prophet Muhammad’s Messengership.

The course gives you the confidence to deal with these New Atheist Attacks on Islam, their questions, it not only gives you the confidence but the ability to articulate what you believe in a rational way, in a calm way, and in a way that is really undeniable. So I found this very empowering, and I feel this is a class that every muslim should take.

I am a parent of two young adults, I’m also a high school science teacher so I have a background in biology but I’ve never really been able to deal with those topics even with evolution for example. It deals with this in a very unique perspective like I said. So if you have a chance and you should make a chance, because really I think this is the first thing I feel that every muslim needs to learn about their deen. It’s a topic that I feel that we need to bring to the masses both muslims and non muslims, and if you have children like myself or if you're working with children like myself that of course makes it even more important. So I would highly, highly recommend this class, in fact I would recommend it to be the very first thing that anyone learns on Islam, because it just changes your perspective of everything. I was very excited to take it and insha’Allah you’ll find the same benefit that I have found.