Why Muhammad is God’s Messenger (3-Month Installment Plan)

$133.00 every month for 3 months

Taught by Hamza Karamali

There can be no doubt that the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) was God’s messenger. Learn how we know that his life is historical fact and how that proves that he simply could not have been an impostor. Follow an experienced theologian as he walks you through the Meccan period of the Prophet’s messengerhood, revealing proof after proof of the beauty, genuineness, and truthfulness of the best man who ever lived.

  • 30+ recorded lessons, 30+ learning activities, 4 live sessions, optional final exam

  • Unlimited live question-and-answer during and after the live sessions

  • Course discussion forum for further question-and-answer outside of live class hours

Start Date: October 17

End Date: December 19

Weekly Live Sessions (Recorded For Later Viewing):



Taught by Hamza Karamali

There can be no doubt that the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) was God’s messenger. Learn how we know that his life is historical fact and how that proves that he simply could not have been an impostor. Follow an experienced theologian as he walks you through the Meccan period of the Prophet’s messengerhood, revealing proof after proof of the beauty, genuineness, and truthfulness of the best man who ever lived.

  • 30+ recorded lessons, 30+ learning activities, 4 live sessions, optional final exam

  • Unlimited live question-and-answer during and after the live sessions

  • Course discussion forum for further question-and-answer outside of live class hours

Start Date: October 17

End Date: December 19

Weekly Live Sessions (Recorded For Later Viewing):


Taught by Hamza Karamali

There can be no doubt that the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) was God’s messenger. Learn how we know that his life is historical fact and how that proves that he simply could not have been an impostor. Follow an experienced theologian as he walks you through the Meccan period of the Prophet’s messengerhood, revealing proof after proof of the beauty, genuineness, and truthfulness of the best man who ever lived.

  • 30+ recorded lessons, 30+ learning activities, 4 live sessions, optional final exam

  • Unlimited live question-and-answer during and after the live sessions

  • Course discussion forum for further question-and-answer outside of live class hours

Start Date: October 17

End Date: December 19

Weekly Live Sessions (Recorded For Later Viewing):