Islam, Politics, War, and Women

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For Teens 14+ / For Adults (Choose Teens or Adults Version at Checkout)

Taught by Hamza Karamali

The truth-based worldview of the Holy Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) is foreign to our modern minds, and when it is combined with stories of war, statehood, assassination, deception, martyrdom, and polygamy, it sparks associations with terrifying media reports of Muslim extremists. Follow an experienced theologian and philosopher as he walks you through the Medinan period of the Prophet’s messengerhood to reveal a breathtaking story of selflessness, courage, forgiveness, and God-given success, and shows you what that entails for loyalty and citizenship in modern secular states. (The adult version of this course will include analyses of ISIS and Islamophobia.)

8 Recorded Lessons - 8 Short Assignments - 12 Live Classes - Midterm - Final Exam

Start Date: June 20

End Date: September 5

Weekly Live Sessions (Recorded For Later Viewing):


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For Teens 14+ / For Adults (Choose Teens or Adults Version at Checkout)

Taught by Hamza Karamali

The truth-based worldview of the Holy Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) is foreign to our modern minds, and when it is combined with stories of war, statehood, assassination, deception, martyrdom, and polygamy, it sparks associations with terrifying media reports of Muslim extremists. Follow an experienced theologian and philosopher as he walks you through the Medinan period of the Prophet’s messengerhood to reveal a breathtaking story of selflessness, courage, forgiveness, and God-given success, and shows you what that entails for loyalty and citizenship in modern secular states. (The adult version of this course will include analyses of ISIS and Islamophobia.)

8 Recorded Lessons - 8 Short Assignments - 12 Live Classes - Midterm - Final Exam

Start Date: June 20

End Date: September 5

Weekly Live Sessions (Recorded For Later Viewing):


For Teens 14+ / For Adults (Choose Teens or Adults Version at Checkout)

Taught by Hamza Karamali

The truth-based worldview of the Holy Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) is foreign to our modern minds, and when it is combined with stories of war, statehood, assassination, deception, martyrdom, and polygamy, it sparks associations with terrifying media reports of Muslim extremists. Follow an experienced theologian and philosopher as he walks you through the Medinan period of the Prophet’s messengerhood to reveal a breathtaking story of selflessness, courage, forgiveness, and God-given success, and shows you what that entails for loyalty and citizenship in modern secular states. (The adult version of this course will include analyses of ISIS and Islamophobia.)

8 Recorded Lessons - 8 Short Assignments - 12 Live Classes - Midterm - Final Exam

Start Date: June 20

End Date: September 5

Weekly Live Sessions (Recorded For Later Viewing):




01. Religious Government 

The Holy Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) said, “Religion is nothing but sincere well-wishing for everyone.” When this is the basis of government, the result is not an absolutist theocracy, but something even more beautiful than words can describe. Hamza Karamali shows how the building of the Prophet’s mosque, the bonds of brotherhood between the Emigrants and the Helpers, and the Constitution of Medina solved the problems that motivate Western political thought.

02. Holy War, Martyrdom, and Modern Citizenship

Muslim extremists have given the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) a bad name. Hamza Karamali uses the Battle of Badr to show that the battles of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) were not irrational crusades of conversion, but brave, noble, and chivalrous defenses against aggression. He then goes further to show how genuinely religious Western Muslims are not a “fifth column” but the most loyal and responsible citizens that any true democracy could hope for.

03. Religious Tolerance   

All religious governments launch witch-hunts and inquisitions against heretics and infidels—true or false? False! The Holy Prophet (Allah bless him and give peace) lived with hypocrites and Jews who were his unmistakable enemies, but as long as they kept to the terms of the Constitution of Medina, they retained citizenship rights under his religious government. Hamza Karamali revisits the Constitution of Medina, and illustrates the magnanimous tolerance of the Holy Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) in the events surrounding the Battles of Badr and Uhud.

04. Polygamy, Chastity, and the Slander Against Aisha (Allah be pleased with her)

Every false prophet—from Musaylima to Joseph Smith—has used his position to acquire wives and concubines. Hamza Karamali shows that the multiple marriages of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) were for the benefit of his wives and other Muslims, not himself. He then examines his early marriage to Aisha, and how she thereby developed into one of the strongest, most independent, and most confident women the world has ever known.

05. War, Deception, and Modern Citizenship

As armies marched from all over Arabia to besiege Medina, the Companions were frightened as they had never been before. When their Jewish allies began treacherously colluding with the enemy, the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) dispatched a spy to sow division in their ranks, famously telling him, “war is deception”. Hamza Karamali responds to Islamophobes who use this phrase to cast doubt on the loyalties of Muslim citizens and explains why the subsequent execution of Medinan Jews was not an anti-Semitic pogrom.

06. Patriarchy and the Abrogation of Adoption

Allah Most High commanded the Prophet’s adopted son to divorce his wife, and then commanded the Prophet (Allah bless him peace) to marry her. Hamza Karamali explains how this proves that the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) was not an impostor, and then studies whether or not it is accurate to describe early Muslim society as being patriarchal.

MIDTERM Use events from the life of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) to respond to objections raised by Islamophobes regarding Islam, politics, war, and women.

07. Victory Through Concessions 

Against the will of all of his Companions, the Holy Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) agreed to seemingly humiliating concessions at Hudaybiyya, which Allah Most High called a “clear victory” (Quran, 48:1). Hamza Karamali explains why the astounding political foresight of the Holy Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) could only have been revelation from God.

08. Letters to Kings and the Battle of Khaybar

From the beginning of his mission, the Holy Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) behaved as though his mission would prevail not just in Arabia, but all over the world. After agreeing to seemingly humiliating concessions at Hudaybiyya, he sent letters to neighbouring kinds, inviting them to submit to his divine authority and decisively defeated the ancient Jewish settlement of Khaybar. Hamza Karamali helps you understand why.

09. The Conquest of Mecca

The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) marched on Mecca, utterly victorious and, according to the customs of ancient Arabia, completely justified in ordering mass slaughter. Yet he entered humbly with his head bowed so low that it touched his saddle and delivered a mass forgiveness. Hamza Karamali explains how that forgiveness was his greatest victory.

10. Islam Prevails

Hamza Karamali describes how the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) consolidated the conquest of Mecca with victories at Hunayn and Taif, and then a march against the Byzantines at Tabuk (who never showed up). He then uses this to explain the meaning of the Quranic verse, “It is He who sent His messenger with guidance and the religion of truth so that He might make it prevail over all other religions.” (Quran, 9:33) means to us today. 

11. The Spread of Islam and the Farewell Pilgrimage

Dozens of delegations from all over the Arabian peninsula visited the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) declaring their faith and submitting to his political leadership. Idols all over the Peninsula were felled, and Arabian idolatry ended forever. Hamza Karamali explores the meaning of religious tolerance from the perspectives of truth-based vs. truthless worldviews, and explains what that means for Muslims today.

12. His Demise

“The day the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) entered Medina,” one of his Companions said, “all of it lit up.” Then on the day he died, “all of it became dark.” Hamza Karamali recounts the moving account of the Prophet’s demise (Allah bless him and give him peace), how it proves the genuineness of his messengerhood, and the mission that he left behind for his Companions.

FINAL Write an opinion piece for a mainstream news outlet responding to the objection  that the Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace) spread Islam by the sword.

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Islam, Politics, War, and Women

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Islam, Politics, War, and Women
$85.00 every month for 3 months