Why Islam Is True
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Islam and Modern Life
Why do we die? A materialist might answer that we die because our body stops working—our breathing, our heartbeat, our brain activity, everything, stops. The materialist is wrong—although our death is accompanied by bodily changes, death is not those bodily changes themselves, but something else related to the soul.
The global monoculture has done away with true love. Most of us no longer understand what it means to truly love another human being and, by extension, what it means to truly love God. Osama Hassan chats with Hamza Karamali on the relationship between worship, slavehood, love of God, and love of other human beings.
We live in a world that is heavily influenced by a worldview grounded in modern scientific reasoning that seeks to explain the universe without any reference to God. Osama Hassan chats with Hamza Karamali about Aristotle, the medieval Catholic church, science, the modern disinterest in religion, and the role of Islam in helping us discover the purpose of our lives.
Hamza Karamali unpacks a traditional Islamic definition of “deen” (commonly translated into English as “religion) to open up a conversation with Osama Hassan about why Islam is not a political ideology, the Age of Enlightenment, rational and spiritual proofs for the truth of a religion, and how Islam fills a modern spiritual void to bring us true happiness in the 21st century.
Hamza Karamali has published an article explaining how Big Bang cosmology spells the end of scientific materialism and how that should bring religion, particularly traditional Islamic theology, back into the scientific and philosophical mainstream.
The Biblical Flood narrative has been altered by the hands of men, leading to contradictions with the geological and biological record of our planet. The Quranic narrative is not the same. It contains corrections, additions, and omissions that restore the narrative to its original revelatory purity and re-align it with modern scientific and historical knowledge.
“I recently learned the term “deism” and I was wondering, from an Islamic standpoint, how do we refute or deny the arguments that deists make about how there is a God, but one who doesn’t intervene in the matters of the universe?”
Do Muslims consider non-Muslims as Infidels? The answer is NO! Read Shaykh Hamza’s full answer on how to respond to such misconceptions by our friends from other faiths.
Feminist insecurities over the use of the pronoun “He” for God stem from three mistakes: (a) imagining that huwa in Arabic carries the same biological connotations that “he” does in English, (b) an anthropomorphic conception of God, and (c) a modern humanist worldview.
This is a four-part answer on protecting your children from Religious Extremism. Read the second part where Shaykh Hamza talks about the Superficial Religiousness of Extremism.
“I am terrified by the stories of young Muslim teenagers being brainwashed by the violent ideology of ISIS. How do I make religion an important part of my children’s lives while at the same time protecting them from religious extremism?”
Our obligation as parents is not merely to get our young children to perform the action of praying Fajr. Rather, our obligation is to get them praying in a way that trains them for their own independent religious lives as adults.
Is lying a cardinal sin? Read Shaykh Hamza’s answer on dealing with young kids who lie to their parents. Every week, we will select one of your questions on parenting and answer it in this space.
Every week, we will select one of your questions on parenting and answer it in this space. This week's answer deals with preventing jealousy and malice among siblings.
Every week, we will select one of your questions on parenting and answer it in this space. This week's answer deals with raising Muslim children in the age of LGBTQI+ influences.
Every week, we will select one of your questions on parenting and answer it in this space. This week's answer deals with teaching our children about sexual ethics and knowledge.
Every week, we will select one of your questions on parenting and answer it in this space. We are all human beings, and sometimes we get frustrated, lose our temper, and say things that we shouldn’t. Learn how to protect your children from verbal hostility this week.
Introducing Parenting Question of the Week! Every week, we will select one of your questions on parenting and answer it in this space. Read the first answer now.
The “self” is that thing within us that makes us alive. It makes us who we are and it gives us our identity. It is the soul. We take this soul, either in its original beauty, or in its corrupted form, with us through the three lives that we experience after we die and from there into eternal bliss or eternal damnation.